ECN Webinar: Precision Nutrition – ‘Gut physiology meets microbiome science’

Join the NuGO Early Career Network webinar series on July 6 starring Prof. Hannelore Daniel to talk about how gut physiology meets microbiome science. 



Until now, microbiome research is largely ignoring key features of normal gut physiology; it also does not take into account mass phenomena and relies largely on relative composition data. This argues for more caution in making scientific claims. In this Webinar I shall address how normal gut functions turn out to be amongst the most influential determinants of the microbiome in its quantitative and qualitative (diversity) dimensions. That includes the overall bacterial mass relative to host body mass as a crucial factor when translating findings in rodents to the human condition – in particular, when talking about effects on body weight. I shall also ask whether the microbiome serves as a reporter for alterations in gut physiology observed in a variety of diseases (Alzheimer, Parkinson, Diabetes) or whether it is indeed involved in disease initiation and progression.


Hannelore Daniel held the position of Chair of Physiology of Human Nutrition at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany. Her main research interests are control mechanisms in mammalian metabolism; studied in model organisms and in humans by using a diversity of cell and molecular techniques and metabolomics for more comprehensive and better phenotyping. Some of the research relates directly to approaches for personalised nutrition. Hannelore is a nutrition expert by training and has worked in Germany, UK and USA. She is a member of the German National Academy of Sciences and an advisor for national and international funding agencies, research centres, companies and the government. Hannelore Daniel has published around 450 scientific papers and reviews and received numerous scientific awards.

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