How can we stay healthy? See what nutrigenomics and epigenetics have to say

A new book by Professor Carsten Carlberg, WELCOME2 ERA Chair and head of the Nutrigenomics Group at the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research PAS, has just come out of the press of the German section of Springer-Nature publisher. The book combines two major research interests of the author, epigenetics and nutrigenomics.

“Everything what we do during our life will be memorized not only by the neurons of our brain, but also through changes of the epigenomes in each of the tissues and cell types of our body (…). What we eat every day has a major effect on our genes and their packaging in chromatin”- explains Prof. Carsten Carlberg.

“My aim is to disseminate my insights from more than 30 years of teaching and research to a larger audience. Therefore, I wrote this book for the layman having some background in biology“ – says the author. The central topic of this very visual book (having more than 100 colored figures) is the question how we can stay healthy.

“We have to realize that it is largely in our own hands, if we get ill or stay healthy (…). All of us should understand enough of common diseases, such as cancer, diabetes or Alzheimer’s, that we know what to do not to get victims of them” – adds Prof. Carlberg.

Click here for a teaser of the book “Die molekulare Basis von Gesundheit: Wie Epigenetik und Ernährung unser Leben beeinflussen“.

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