How much is my health dominated by my genes?

How much is my health dominated by my genes? Many people believe that the fate of their health is written in their genes, such as <<I got bad genes from my parents and cannot do much against getting the same diseases as them>>. Fortunately, this is in most cases wrong! We can do a lot against staying away from diseases. To a large extend we have our health in our own hands, i.e., it is our own responsibility to stay as long as possible healthy.

Read more on how we can escape the fate that our genome may suggest for our disease risk in the latest article by Prof. Carsten Carlberg, WELCOME2 ERA Chair. The article has been published as a part of our cooperation with the Polish Diabetic Association. Anna Śliwińska, President of PDA, is one of the members of WELCOME2 ERA Chair Advisory Board.

Read the article in PL or EN

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