“Molecular Immunology. How Science Works” – a new book by Prof. Carsten Carlberg and Dr. Eunike Velleuer

Prof. Carsten Carlberg, WELCOME2 ERA Chair at the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research PAS,  together with Dr. Eunike Velleuer, physician in the Centre for Child and Adolescent Health Helios Clinic (Germany), has published a new book. “Molecular Immunology. How Science Works” is to reveal the secrets of molecular immunology to readers.

The COVID-19 pandemic has made it clear that we need to learn more about the system that keeps us alive: the immune system. It consists of different biological structures: the lymphatic system, bone marrow, leukocytes, proteins, and antibodies. Keeping them in balance protects us from infectious diseases and cancer. The goal of molecular immunology is to understand the collective response of individual cells and proteins to foreign substances in our bodies.

The immune system is designed to fight viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites, but sometimes it happens to attack itself – as in the case of allergies. What’s more, improper immune system responses can lead to autoimmune diseases, such as type I diabetes and multiple sclerosis. These in turn can lead to sepsis and even death.

That is why the book “Molecular Immunology. How Science Works” by Prof. Carsten Carlberg and Dr. Eunike Velleuer, was written with the main aim of presenting the basics of molecular immunology. It covers the mechanisms and processes underlying immunity against bacteria and viruses, immune responses in organ transplantation, autoimmune reactions, allergies, and cancer immunology. The authors make it clear that immunology has a role in keeping our bodies healthy and preventing disease.

The book is available here.

“Not only does our immune system protect us from the serious effects of infectious diseases and the onset of cancer, but it is also capable of causing serious damage through sepsis, cytokine storms, and anaphylactic shocks. A molecular understanding of immunology should allow the reader to deal more rationally with common diseases, most of which are associated with chronic inflammation,” – says Professor Carsten Carlberg, author of the textbook.

The content of the book is related to the lecture course “Molecular Immunology”, which is part of the “Molecular Medicine and Genetics”, “Cancer Biology” and “Nutrigenomics” course series taught by Prof. Carsten Carlberg.

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