Networking meeting with IMDEA Food, Spain

On June 7, 2022 WELCOME2 ERA Chair, Prof. Carsten Carlberg, and WP6 Communication leader Iwona Kieda, took part in a networking meeting with the scientific team of IDEA Food Research Insttiute on Food & Health Sciences (Spain): María Jesús Latasa Sada (member of Research Program. Innovation, Communication and Education Unit), Dr. Enrique Carrillo de Santa Pau (Group leader of the Computational Biology ),  Dr. Alberto Davalos (Group leader of the Epigenetics of Lipid Metabolism), Prof. Alfredo Martínez Hernández (Director of Research Program. Precision Nutrition and Cardiometabolic Health) and his team member Prof. Víctor Micó Moreno,  Dr. Lidia Daimiel Ruiz (Group leader of Nutritional Control of the Epigenome NUCONEP),  Dr. Ana Ramírez de Molina (Group leader of Molecular Oncology),  as well as Dr. Cristina Ramírez Hidalgo (Group leader of Posttranscriptional Regulation of Metabolic Diseases). 

The meeting served as means to showcase the research objectives of WELCOME2 ERA Chair’s team as a part of  Instiute’s new interdisciplinary strategy and set up collaborative links with the IMDEA Food scientists working on the topics of nutrigenomics, especially with respect to precisional treatment and personalised intervention against metabolic disease. Presentations of the research scope and current actions of the scientific groups was followed with a discussion session on the possibilities of future joint activities between the partners, including open scientific seminars, personnel secondments and data sharing opportunities.  Individual meetings with Prof. Carlberg have been scheduled for in-depth discussions on collaboration angles. 

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