WELCOME2 at M&E workshop

Iwona Kieda presented WELCOME2 during online “M&E workshop on Widening Lessons learned and future perspectives for widening instruments” on 30 June 2021. The event was organized within the framework of the Bridge2HE NCP project.

The M&E workshop is focused on the experiences gathered regarding Widening instruments during Horizon 2020, and aims to present the case studies of successful project applications. The event was attended by the CEOs of National Contact Points, representatives of the European Commission and invited stakeholders (Teaming, Twinning and ERA-Chairs project partners).

Iwona Kieda, Leader of Communication and Dissemination WP, joined the workshop to present the background, goals and expected outcomes of ERA Chair WELCOME2, as well as to take part in a Q&A session, sharing experiences on the H2020- WIDESPREAD – ERA Chair call.

The event was a valuable networking experience and an opportunity to introduce the Institute and WELCOME2 to an international audience of Widespread actions actors.

Watch the workshop

Agenda of the event

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