Project Coordinator

I’m general director of IARFR and coordinator of WELCOME2. My research interests focus on metabolism, bioavailability and pharmacokinetics of food components against the physiological effects of their metabolites, as well as the impact of processing on bioaccessibility and bioavailability of compounds from food matrix. I was the project coordinator of FP7 RegPot project REFRESH and a deputy project coordinator of FP5 Centre of Excellence CENEXFOOD. I’m the corresponding member of the Polish Academy of Sciences, a fellow of the International Academy of Food Sciences and Technology (IAFoST), and an active partner of the Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST). I spent most of my 5 year-long foreign assignments in Japan working at the National Food Research Institute, University of Tokushima and Noda Institute for Scientific Research / R&D Kikkoman Corp.