WP1: Recruitment of the ERA Chair and her/his team
Leader: Professor Barbara Gawrońska-Kozak, Head of Regenerative Biology Group
- Recruitment of the ERA Chair Group Leader
- Recruitment of the ERA Chair Group members
The aim of WP1 is to recruit a reputable world-class scientist who is an expert in the application and development of omics technologies in life sciences, particularly nutrigenomics for human and animal health and well-being. ERA Chair holder will have the autonomy to establish their own research team and create a Centre of excellence in nutrigenomics fully integrated in IARFR. The group will be composed of 2 postdoctoral researchers, 3 PhD students, 1 research technician and support staff. The recruitment of ERA Chair holder and her/his team will take place through an open, transparent, and merit-based process.
WP2: Achieve excellence on a sustainable basis to fully capitalise on ERA
Leader: ERA Chair holder
- Creation of a new interdisciplinary strategy
- Applications for research grants to prestigious research agencies
- Long-term collaborative relationships with the best research and innovation centres in ERA
- Exposure of Institute staff to external specialized training sessions and post-doc programmes
ERA Chair holder will lead development of a new interdisciplinary strategy that will allow us to fully capitalise on opportunities coming with the construction of IARFR’s new premises. ERA Chair holder and affiliates will secure research grants and take advantage of innovative project schemes implemented with industrial and academia partners. They will also nurture long-term partnerships with leading ERA centres through joint research projects, twinning visits and international seminars.
WP3: Research management and administration competence
Leader: Grant specialist
- Recruitment of Grant Specialist to Research Support Office
- Upgrade research management/administration competences of IARFR’s staff
- Launching Research Management Guidance database
- Establishing Rising Managers Academy
This WP will introduce measures to upgrade management and administration competences of the IARFR staff, and consequently improve our capability to successfully apply for and manage research funding. Employment of Grant Specialist, development of online Research Management Guidance, grant preparation trainings and systemic investment in future managers will ensure these competences are sustainable. Raising Managers Academy will provide adepts with research management, leadership and grant applications skills, qualified in the aspects of communication, negotiation, conflict solving, staff selection, and team development.

WP4: Proficient execution of European Charter & Code of Conduct on a sustainable basis
Leader: Maciej Cieślik, HR Business Partner
- Implementation of a roadmap to HR Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R)
- Development HR Manual for Employment of Foreign Researchers
- Introduction of Principles for Innovative Doctoral Training to Doctoral School
- Educating regional stakeholders on HR issues
To proficiently execute European Charter for Recruitment of Researchers & Code of Conduit and implement IARFR’s HR Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) a HR Specialist has been employed at the initial stage of the project. His obligations cover also preparation and implementation of the Manual for Employment of Foreign Researchers at IARFR, introduction of Principles for Innovative Doctoral Training at the interdisciplinary doctoral school, development of a recruitment communication strategy to attract early stage researchers and regional dissemination of this knowledge.
WP5: IARFR’s science as a public good
Leader: Professor Monika Kaczmarek, Head of Molecular Biology Laboratory
- Recruitment of GLP and RDM internal auditor
- Introduction of a Good Laboratory Practices system (GLP) and development and implementation of institutional Research Data Management (RDM) policy
- Enhancement of IARFR’s IPR management
- Dissemination of knowledge on GLP, RDM to local/regional science community and stakeholders
To fully comply with ERA priorities and national and European guidelines on unified science management systems, we will elaborate a set of internal policies that will improve the rigor of IARFR’s research work and foster effective scientific practices in research and scholarship. GLP system in core facilities will be implemented and an internal auditor will be recruited to nurture and supervise FAIR data production in quality assurance system at IARFR. WP5 will develop RDM policy lying grounds for proficient implementation of ERA Chair scheme – relevant Open Access, Open Data Management Plan, as well as ethical and responsible research.
WP6: IARFR and WELCOME2 visibility among regional, national and European stakeholder
Leader: Iwona Kieda, Head of Communications
- Disseminating WELCOME2’s results among academia and research organisations, industry & business, funding agencies and policy makers
- Communicating WELCOME2-enabled understandings for better animal and human health and well-being
- Increasing attractiveness of IARFR and the region to mobile researchers and talented students
- Elevating IARFR’s recognition among regional, national and EU-wide stakeholders
Dissemination actions will elevate the reputation of IARFR as a trustworthy partner in nutrigenomics studies, exposing its scientists to collaborators from leading ERA research centres, and regional and national industry. The measures adopted for this aim include organisation of scientific conferences, open seminars, presentations at international events, publishing in OA journals and spearheading knowledge transfer workshops. Communication activities will build awareness of WELCOME2 among the society at large and the media. They will put a spotlight on the importance of WELCOME2-enabled findings in optimising health and well-being, hence emphasizing their social and economic utility.
WP7: Coordination and Management
Leader: Professor Mariusz Piskuła, Director General
- Ensuring timely execution of WELCOME2’s objectives
- Monitoring achievement of WELCOME2’s milestones and deliverables
- Supervising adequate management of resources allocated to the project by the EC
- Optimal interaction between the ERA Chair holder, IARFR and EC.
- Delivery of periodic and final reports on project implementation and funds’ used
Implementation of WELCOME2 will be given the highest priority in the Institute. Project Coordinator will be assisted by Project Manager and Financial Officer to monitor progress and ensure sustainable implementation of the 2020-2026 Action Plan prepared for IARFR on the basis of the SWOT analysis. The strategic management will be supported by the Advisory Board (AB) recognized representatives of the international scientific community, national and regional authorities and business representatives. The works of AB will be chaired by Peter Van Bladeren, Member Board of Directors of Mérieux NutriSciences.