The scholarship holder selected under this competition will participate in research tasks carried out as part…
Welcome2: News
How can we stay healthy? See what nutrigenomics and epigenetics have to say
A new book by Prof. Carsten Carlberg, WELCOME2 ERA Chair and head of the Nutrigenomics Group at the…
Advanced mathematics gives hope for patients with Fanconi anemia
Fanconi anemia is a very rare genetic disease characterized by i.a. high risk of cancer, especially squamous cell…
Vitamin D helps maintain immune cell balance
Vitamin D regulates hundreds of genes and dozens of physiological functions in the human body, including…
Prof. Carsten Carlberg wins OPUS grant powered by National Science Centre in Poland
The aim of his project is to investigate the mechanisms of epigenetic memory at the example of the …
Tanya Tripathi joins WELCOME2 team
Tanya Tripathi joins the WELCOME2 team and takes the position of a PhD student in Prof. Carsten Carlberg’s…