Tanya Tripathi joins the WELCOME2 team and takes the position of a PhD student in Prof. Carsten Carlberg’s…
Welcome2: News
Naukowcu, chcesz zostać dobrym liderem? Zapisz się do Rising Managers Academy.
Prowadzisz badania i zastanawiasz się, jak możesz się rozwijać, aby zostać nie tylko dobrym naukowcem…
[MSCA] PhD Fellowship in “Personal genetic and epigenetic signatures of immune cells in context of plant-based meals”
Within the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska…
New idea for research demonstrating effectiveness of vitamin D supplementation
A new idea for research demonstrating the effectiveness of vitamin D supplementation has been developed …
NuGOweek 2023 in Senigallia, Italy
Studies have found that low status of micronutrient vitamin D is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular…
The 6th International Conference ‘Vitamin D – minimum, maximum, optimum’ of the European Vitamin D Association (EVIDAS)
At the end of September, the nutrigenomics team participated in a conference on vitamin D…